Friday, May 17, 2013


Well I finally had a minute to sit down and actually write or (type). I have been SUPER busy and it's only just beginning. We are re-doing our backyard so that has taken a big portion of my time. I also have been trying to work at the school as much as possible before school gets out cause I can't work during the summer. I also have been diving back into the Real Estate business and paperwork is just constant right now. Luckily I can do it from home so that helps with Nova. I can't wait to post pics of the backyard when it is all finished! Novas birthday party is on the 5th and we are trying to have it done by then. Also, I have been trying to talk the hubs into a new phone and last night when my screen shattered I thought this was just one more great excuse to get one! haha Hope you all have a great Friday! Here is a little photo or two of the little one!

Passed out in the booth at the restaurant:)
Us at the orchard getting ready to pick fresh veggies:)