Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A little boost..

Boy have a been busy...I can barely catch my breath. I have been out of town for the last week and am finally settling back down. I went to a baby shower in Reno and that was a blast then as soon as I got home I headed straight for our fishing house for a little R&R. In between all of this traveling you can imagine I haven't had the best luck in staying on track with eating good. I haven't really gained (except for the 2 lbs that fluctuate) and since I have been home I have been hitting the pavement hard. I have been around a lot of people lately that I just don't even like to stand next too because they make me feel bad about myself (unintentionally of course) so it was nice when I went to the doctor today (ob) and while she was checking me she said she noticed that I had lost weight in my thighs. She knew I had commented on my weight before,  wondering if she had a post baby magic pill that would get rid of all the extras (which I think only exists in my imagination) and she of course said no.  That made me feel like even though I am not losing weight, my body is changing so it gave me a little boost of hope:) I hope to get better at posting more often and I hope to have more pics downloaded so I can fill u all in more. Thanks for stopping by!
~ Jeriel~

1 comment:

Jen S. said...

Hi Jeriel--
You are beautiful on the inside AND out....don't forget that! :)

You've been a busy girl. Glad everything is going well. Can't wait to see you soon!